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We know you're excited. We are too! Let us guide you through the process.
New to tirzepatide? Read and Watch this - "What to Expect When You're ... Expecting."





















Shipping and Tracking

1.  In our texts / emails, we've given you an estimated delivery time based on the pharmacy.


2. We have no advanced knowledge of shipping times other than this estimate. For example, if the lead time states "3 - 6 *Business Days*," this is the range we're experiencing from them. Though we always hope for three busines days, it may take six or in rare cases longer.

3. Business days are Monday - Friday.


4. Unlike your local pharmacy that stocks medication, compound pharmacies often prepare medications from scratch (patient specific), therefor there is a process and a strict set of protocols they must follow.


5. Many compounded pharmacies DO NOT ship on Fridays. This means, even if your tracking number was generated on Friday, it won't ship until Monday.

6. When your tracking number is generated, you'll receive an email from the pharmacy and us. Though your tracking number is generated, it does not mean that your order has shipped. For example, your tracking number might generate late Friday but your medication won't ship until Monday.

Download the UPS App



For Empower orders: If you'd like to receive updates or reroute your order, you can use their App.

(Please note: not all pharmacies use UPS)

shipping and tracking

Reordering & Titrating Up and Down

​1.  As part of our subscription service, we'll reach out to you before placing your next order so that you're never out of medication.


If for some reason you reach the last dose of your vial and have not heard from us, please text (305)-930-7387 to inquire.

2. If you're coming aboard Emerge as a 2.5mg starting-dose patient, then we'll assume you're titrating up to 5.0mg. In that case, when you receive the text/email from us, you don't need to do anything. 

​3. If you're taking 5.0mg, 7.5mg, or a higher dose, and would like to titrate up or down, just let us know by responding to our communication, and we will have you covered.


4. Maintenance. Once you reach your goal weight, reach out to our experienced medical staff and we'll help you maintain the progress you've made.

Referral Program

1. In the first 30 days of signing up, you'll receive an email with your referral link. Post it. Send it to friends and family. Promote Emerge however you'd like.

2. How it works:


  • A friend clicks on your link and puts in their email address.​

  • We'll send your friend a code that they must use as they enter their payment information. (There will be a text box for a Promo Code.)


  • Once your friend completes this process, you'll receive $50 in credit and your friend receives $50 ($25 and $25 the first two months) towards their purchase.​

NOTE: We have cases where a friend clicks on a link but they do not use the code. Let them know they must us the code. Thank you.


3. If you haven't received your referral link but would like to, just write our support and we'll send it to you. 

Reading Your Prescription

Here is an example section of a script. You'll see the strength and the directions. The strength is NOT your dosage, it is the strength. In this case, this is a script for your starting dose, which is 2.5mg for four week and 5.0mg for two weeks.

**Each script and dosing is different. See below for more information about the vial, dosing, and medication.

Empower example.jpg

When looking at your script, the first number is the amount of tirzepatide per ML. In this case, it is 8mg / ml. Since this is a 2.5 mL vial, that is 20mg of tirzepatide. 1) For the starting dose that is FOUR weeks at 2.5mg and TWO weeks at 5.0mg. 2) For the 5mg dose, that will be FOUR weeks at 5mg each, and so on.  The second number (the 2) is referring to the amount of B3/mL

Cancelling and Pausing

Text or email the support number/email through which we've been communicating with you, and simply ask to cancel. We'll usually get that processed the same day.

We have no minimum commitment levels. You can cancel at anytime.


If you cancel after we've placed your script, we will charge a doctor's and processing fee of $107.

We are setup as a subscription service, and not as a per vial service. We discourage patients from coming on with Emerge for one vial or those who want to stop and start often. We usually allow for a one-time pause, but beyond that we'll suggest other providers who might be better suited for your needs.

Know Your Vial and Syringe



  • Do Not Freeze.

  • Your refrigerated medication is good 90 days after punctured.

  • From a heat study, tirzepatide showed no difference in efficacy warm for 7 days and at room temperature for up to 30 days.

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Warm Package or Medicine

1. As summer approaches, it's quite common to receive a warm package, especially due to a shipping delay.


Don't worry.


A few years back, the pharmacy did a temperature study due to dealing with these delivery delays.

The results showed stability and potency at very warm temperatures for up to 7 days and at room temperature for up to 30.


The pharmacy continues to ship the product cold to preserve the extended BUD dating. Just refrigerate and you'll be good to go.

2. Your medication will have 100% efficacy up to 90 days after being punctured.


3. Please see the BUD (Best Use by Date) on your vial to keep your vial for a longer period unopened.

video sub
reading script
Know you vial

Onboarding Process

1.  As part of your intake process, you may be asked to submit an intake video. Please allow up to 24 hours for us to process your video and submit your prescription to the pharmacy. 

2. We do place orders on Saturdays and Sundays, though the pharmacy will not begin processing your script until Monday.

3. We understand how excited you are to begin, and we are also, but we have to follow a protocol to ensure you're receiving the best care we can provide.

How it works


For most patients, the amount of medication received will only fill a small percentage of your vial. As an example, for new, 2.5mg patients, your medication will only come to the 1mL mark on the vial in this photo.



You might imagine, in the vast number of orders we've fulfilled over time, that we've had a number patients who believe that they didn't receive the correct amount of medication. This might be because:


  • The last bit in the vial can be difficult to extract.

  • The patient loses track of the number of injections (usually this is 4).

  • The patient extracted too much medication per injection.

  • Other reasons ... 


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Emerge visits the pharmacies we partner with to ensure they meet our high standards for quality and safety. One of our primary partners, Hallandale, operates a 503a sterile compounding facility in Florida, spanning 60,000 square feet and employing over 600 professionals, including biologists and pharmacists. 


We observed the multi-step process that each vial undergoes before it's certified, including precise measurements down to the tenth of an ounce and a last-step visual inspection


It’s highly unlikely for a vial to reach the shipping stage with the incorrect amount of medication. However, if you believe your vial is incorrect, please contact the pharmacy directly. They can review your batch records to confirm

Hallandale Facility


Not enough


You can reach us by text or email. Try to stick to your preferred method of contact (the method you chose at intake. This helps us better track you.).


(305) 930-7387


Hours. Weekdays, our clinic is open from 8 am - 6 pm (EST). On weekends, we answer from 9 am - 5 pm. We will sometimes respond after hours.


Note: We've been busier lately. Our response times can be 3 - 4 hours. In extreme cases we are seeing times of 8 hours. 

We are onboarding new team members all the time and hope to get our response down to minutes.


Note: We answer your questions Oldest first. If you write in often before we've had a chance to response, your question(s) will end up going to the back of the queue. I know this can be frustrating when you want an answer, but keep this in mind if you are experiencing waiting times beyond your expectations


Thank You

Thank you so much! You're embarking on an amazing journey, and we are here for you. This isn't meant to be an all encompassing FAQ, so if you have additional questions, just write us. We love interacting with our patients.


One of the things that separates Emerge from other clinics is that most of our customer care specialists and medical staff are on our medication, so they can relate to your questions and journey. 


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